Tecwyn Twmffat

Tecwyn Twmffat

UK   Joined November 15th, 2013
97 Instructables   2,053,471 Views   1,071 Comments   1,137 Followers

Tecwyn Twmffat's Instructables

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1K+ Comments

Earned a gold medal

1M+ Views

Earned a silver medal

10+ Featured Instructable

Earned a silver medal

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Metal Contest 2017

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Make It Move Contest 2017

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Breakfast Challenge 2017

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Green Electronics Contest 2016

Contest Winner

Second Prize in the IoT Builders Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Arduino Contest 2016

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Epilog Contest 8

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Survival Ready Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Meat Contest 2016

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Live off the Land Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Solar Contest 2016

Contest Winner

Grand Prize in the Low Water Gardening Challenge 2016

Contest Winner

Grand Prize in the Renewable Energy Contest

Contest Winner

Third Prize in the Outside Contest 2016

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Raspberry Pi Contest 2016

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Digital Life 101 Challenge

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Pest Control Challenge

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Heirloom Recipes Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Three Ingredient Challenge

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Preserve It! Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the How to Play ____

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Superfood Challenge

Contest Winner

Third Prize in the MAKE ENERGY: A US-Mexico Innovation Challenge

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Winterize Challenge

Contest Winner

Grand Prize in the Hunter-Gatherer Contest

Contest Winner

First Prize in the Uppermost Chef: Apples Challenge

Contest Winner

Fourth Prize in the Halloween Food Contest

Contest Winner

Fourth Prize in the Hand Tools Only Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Gardening & Homesteading Contest

Contest Winner

Runner Up in the Instructables Outdoor Projects Contest